Member Spotlight! Meet John Allen

John Allen, Vice-President of Allen Insurance Group
Meet John Allen, President Circle Member
Provide us a brief description of your business? How many years have you been in business? Allen Insurance Group is a general insurance brokerage dedicated to the security, safety, and the well-being of our clients since 1932. Our primary focus is to assist our clients with uncovering potential risks to their personal, business, and financial assets. And to address those risks through avoidance, transference, and insurance products. I, personally, started my insurance career over 24 years ago.
What is an interesting fact about your business most people do not know? One of the best things about our company is the history. We are a family-owned, third-generation business. My Grandfather, Burton Allen, started the business as primarily a life insurance agency. My father, Brad Allen, then purchased the agency from his father in 1970 and expanded the company through hard work and by purchasing 13 other agencies, into a general agency focused on helping individuals and businesses in the Delaware community.
How do you market your business? How are people aware of your business? Like almost every business, we utilize a variety of strategies and mediums to sell our business, whether it be advertising on the radio, business publications, email marketing, social media, or the tried and true word of mouth. By far, our best and most prolific marketing medium is our clients. Our clients are the life-blood of our agency. We continually strive ALWAYS to do what is best for our clients. I firmly believe our clients recognize this and continuously refer to us as their most trusted advisors.
How do the economic and political environments impact your business during COVID-19? All companies are and have been affected by COVID-19. We are no exception. During this period of time, Allen Insurance Group must be a source of information, guidance, and, most importantly, a foundation of stability in all respects for our clients. Although our staff is working from home, our clients have seen no disruption in service and attentiveness, especially when it comes to health and employee benefits. Employers are being faced with unbelievably, difficult decisions. We need to provide the most sound and reliable advice possible along with an empathetic ear.
What motivated Allen Insurance to become a Chamber member? How long have you been a Chamber member? FYI…since 4/1/1981 Allen Insurance Group has been a member of the New Castle County Chamber of Commerce since 1981. Brad Allen recognized the value of aligning our business with the County Chamber, and we have never looked back.
What aspect of the chamber have you taken advantage of the most? The real value of Chamber membership for our business is networking. Our company is based on relationships that are built by trust and confidence. The friendships and relationships we have made through our membership and commitment to the New Castle County Chamber of Commerce are invaluable.
How has the chamber helped your business? Over the years, the Chamber and Allen Insurance Group relationship have evolved into an alliance and partnership. Through that partnership was born the Benefits Connection. The Benefits Connection is The Statewide Private Healthcare Exchange for Businesses offered in collaboration with nine other Chambers of Commerce and Trade Associations throughout the State. Throughout the Delaware marketplace, we have become the premier resource for businesses large and small to navigate the complicated web of Employee Benefits.
What motivates you? Several different factors drive me personally and professionally. But, primarily, I always strive to do “the next right thing.” I enjoy sleeping soundly at night. So, as I put my head down each night, I have comfort in the fact that today I did what was right. I did what was best for my family, friends, clients, co-workers, and those I encounter daily. Of course, I am far from perfect, but I try every day.
When you are not working, where do you like to spend your time? This one is a bit tougher. I think I have somewhat of an A-type personality, which means I want to do a variety of things. I am an avid “Crossfitter” these days and rely on that morning workout torture. You can also find me snow skiing in the winter, on the golf course, or the boat in the summer trying to relive my youth by attempting to waterski and tube without breaking a limb. But, hands down, my life revolves around family. My wife, Melanie, and daughter, Olivia, are my everything.
What advice would you give a new (or current) chamber members? The information I have for new Chamber members is to get out there, shake some hands (apres Covid-19), be seen, ask questions and put forth some ideas. Membership is what you make of it.