Coronavirus update for Delaware small business owners

Coronavirus update for Delaware small business owners

Delaware is working on requesting an Economic Injury Declaration from the U.S. Small Business Administration. This will open up new loan options for small businesses in the state to help them better weather effects of the Coronavirus.

Before that can happen, we need your help. 
Federal regulations require that we provide the SBA with information on multiple businesses negatively impacted by the coronavirus to qualify for the declaration. The Division of Small Business is looking to gather at least 25 responses.
If you would be willing to fill out the form linked below and send it back to DSB at, that would be very much appreciated. 

Download the form
The form asks you to roughly estimate the impact you think Coronavirus could have on your business revenue over the next nine months and to compare that to revenue from the past nine months. What the SBA is looking for is some expectation of a decline as a result of the change in economic conditions.
The sooner we have forms from the necessary number of affected businesses, the sooner the declaration process can begin, and the sooner the federal financial support will be available. 
If you need assistance filling out the form, we are here to help. Please call us at 302-577-8472, or email with any questions.
If you have further questions about Delaware’s Coronavirus efforts, please visit And for business-specific information, please follow the Division of Small Business on Facebook (@delawaresmallbusiness) or Twitter (@delbiz) or visit