Guest Bartender Event for Delaware Hospice's Camp New Hope
Date and Time
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDT
6:00 to 9:00 p.m.
BBC Tavern & Grill, 4019 Kennett Pike, Greenville, DE 19807
Guests pay for their own food and drinks, and are encouraged to tip the guest bartenders generously!
Raffle tickets will also be sold on site.
Contact Information
Joyce Hoffman
Send Email
Join us for a fun evening of drinks, food and friendly rivalry to benefit Camp New Hope, Delaware Hospice's annual camp for kids ages 6-17 who have lost a loved one. Two camps are offered each year, one at Lums Pond State Park, and one at Killens Pond State Park. Proceeds of this event, spearheaded by longtime Camp New Hope Volunteer Ben Fournier, will benefit both camps in the summer of 2024.
To make a donation, or for the link to share the event with your network, visit https://guestbartender.org/events/g2sdzf