SBA Office of Advocacy Public Comment on Regulations Event and Roundtable
Date and Time
Wednesday Aug 21, 2024
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM EDT
New Castle County Chamber of Commerce
920 Justison Street, Wilmington, DE 19801
Free to attend but requires registration

The Office of Advocacy’s Deputy Chief Counsel Major L Clark, along with Region 3 Advocate Ngozi Bell invite Delaware small entities (business organizations, non-profits, municipalities, towns, counties, districts of <50,0000), stakeholders and representatives for a meeting at the New Castle Chamber of Commerce, 920 Justison St, Wilmington DE 19801 on Wednesday, August 21, 2024.
Invited guests can provide comments and concerns regarding proposed federal regulations and potential federal actions that may impact them, as well as learn how Advocacy attorneys work with federal regulators to ensure concerns are considered in the regulatory process. Invited guests will also interact with Advocacy resource providers, economists, and regional advocates that engage on day-to-day issues across the nation.
Some example regulations that will be discussed include:
- Broadband and 5G implementation and potential funding
- OSHA Emergency Responder and Volunteer Fire Fighter Proposed Rule
- OSHA Heat Injury and Illness Prevention in Outdoor and Indoor Work Fighter Proposed Rule
- EPA Releases Draft Strategy to Protect Endangered Species from Insecticides
- EPA Proposes Five New High-Priority Chemicals for Risk Evaluation and Risk Management under TSCA
- DOL Independent Contractor and Overtime Rules
- Other issues and policies of concern at the state and federal level
The Office of Advocacy is the independent voice for small business and entities within the federal government and serves as the watchdog of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, which requires agencies to consider alternative ways to reduce the economic impact of their regulations on small entities. The Office advances the views and concerns of small entities by conducting outreach, commenting in the federal regulatory process, and helping agencies develop less burdensome regulations.
This event is in-person, requires registration and is free to attend.