Shen Yun
Date and Time
Wednesday May 7, 2025 Sunday May 11, 2025
May 7~11, 2025, 6 Shows, each show is 2hr15min
Miller Theater, 250 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102
Contact Information
Greater Philadelphia Falun Dafa Association
presenter of Shen Yun in Philadelphia
844-888-7469 (Presenter)
Shen Yun, meaning "the beauty of divine beings dancing," with the mission of reviving the essence of 5,000 years of divinely inspired traditional Chinese culture, arts, and values, which have been largely destroyed in China under communist rule. Shen Yun is a brilliant artistic revival and celebration of China's rich cultural heritage. Each year, Shen Yun tours 200 cities around the world with an all-new production. Although what Shen Yun presents is traditional Chinese culture, the values and messages it shares are universal. Truth, compassion, tolerance, loyalty, freedom, filial piety, veneration for the divine, resonate with worldwide audiences regardless of age, race, creed, and nationality. For additional details on Shen Yun, please go to: Greater Philadelphia Falun Dafa Association: