State of the County
Date and Time
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM EDT
Clayton Hall Conference Center
University of Delaware
100 David Hollowell Drive, Newark, DE 19716
$95 for Members
$99 for Future Members
$250 Exhibitor Table (Limited Availability)
Sponsorship opportunities available.
Contact Information
Alysse Bortolotto
Send Email


Join us for the State of the County on Wednesday, July 12, at 9 a.m. at Clayton Hall Conference Center to hear from business leaders investing in, and reimagining, the future of our growing county.
This event will bring together community leaders and residents, from diverse backgrounds, to celebrate and build awareness about the growth of our county.
Sponsorship opportunities available.
9:00 a.m. | Registration Opens + Networking Breakfast
9:45 a.m. | Welcome + Sponsor Recognition by New Castle County Chamber of Commerce President, Bob Chadwick
9:50 a.m. | County Overview by New Castle County Executive, Matt Meyer
Interpreting services provided by Language Liaisons.
10:00 a.m. | Flash Real Estate Development Updates
- Vice President of Business Development for Delaware Prosperity Partnership, Becky Harrington (Moderator)
- Executive Vice President of Development for The Buccini/Pollin Group, Michael Hare
- Executive Director of Claymont Renaissance Development Corp., Brett Saddler
- Executive Director of Fort DuPont Redevelopment & Preservation Corporation, Timothy Slavin
- CEO & Founding Partner of MRA Group, Larry Stuardi
10:30 a.m. | Networking Break
10:50 a.m. | Flash Infrastructure Improvement Updates
- Partner at Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP, Pamela Scott (Moderator)
- Deputy Executive Director of Delaware River Bay Authority, Stephen D. Williams
- Executive Director at WILMAPCO, Tigist Zegeye
- Executive Director, DE Broadband Office, Roddy Flynn
11:20 a.m. | Networking Break
11:40 a.m. | Flash Innovation Ecosystem Updates
- Special Presentation on Green Drives Growth by Croda Inc. Head of Manufacturing, Atlas Point & North American Sustainability Champion, Chris Hood
- Executive Director of Zip Code Wilmington, Desa Burton (Moderator)
- President of Delaware Prosperity Partnership, Kurt Foreman
- Head of Business Development, National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals (NIIMBL), Chris Yochim
- Assoc. Vice President, Corporate Engagement at University of Delaware, Tracy Shickel
- Site Leader for DuPont Experimental Station, Vere Archibald
12:10 a.m. | Networking + Tabling
12:30 a.m. | Lunch Buffet + Networking
12:45 a.m. | Lunch: Mayor Panel
- Director of U.S. East Region, Government & Industry Affairs for Corteva Agriscience, Rick Deadwyler (Moderator)
- Mayor of Middletown, Kenneth L. Branner, Jr.
- Mayor of Newark, Stu Markham
- Mayor of Elsmere, Eric Thompson