Legislative & Policy Update, Week of December 2, 2024
Legislative & Policy Update, Week of December 2, 2024
If your business is a corporate entity/LLC, etc. the deadline for filing under the requirements of the Corporate Transparency Act is approaching (January 1, 2025).
Check to see if your entity is subject to the requirements of the Act with competent professionals. The website has useful information and a link to file.
Penalties for non-compliance are as high as $500 per day. There are some exemptions relating to non-profits, etc. However, you will want to check with pertinent professionals as to whether your entity is subject to the Beneficial Ownership Information filing requirement.
The webpage for the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, which has helpful information is as follows: https://fincen.gov/boi
Implementation of Payroll Deductions for Delaware Paid Family & Medical Leave Program to Begin on January 1, 2025, with full implementation scheduled for January 1, 2026.
For more information, visit the following page on the Delaware Department of Labor website: Delaware Paid Leave is Coming. The director of the Division of Paid Leave at the Delaware Department of Labor is Christopher Counihan. His contact information follows:
Email: Christopher.Counihan@Delaware.gov
Phone: 302-761-8361
Transition Process Underway at the City of Wilmington, New Castle County Government, and the State of Delaware.
Chamber President & CEO Yvonne Deadwyler is serving on committees as part of the transition at both the county and city levels of government.
Links to each of the transition team’s portals/pages follows:
State of Delaware (Governor-Elect Meyer): https://transition.delaware.gov
New Castle County: https://www.newcastlede.gov/2755/Marcus-Henry---County-Executive-Elect
City of Wilmington: https://johncarney.org/transition/
153rd General Assembly will Convene on Tuesday, January 14, 2025
The 153rd General Assembly will convene on Tuesday, January 14. The caucuses have elected leadership. The NCC Chamber wishes to congratulate the leaders on their election and/or reelection to their posts. In the House, Melissa Minor-Brown was elected the first African American speaker of the Delaware House of Representatives, an auspicious event and significant accomplishment for Speaker-Elect Minor-Brown who served as majority leader during the Second Session of the 152nd General Assembly.
Information on the party composition of the House and Senate and the list of those elected to leadership follow:
House: Democratic Majority 27-to-14
House Leadership:
Speaker: Melissa Minor-Brown (D-17th RD)
Majority Leader: Kerri Evelyn Harris (D-32nd RD)
Majority Whip: Edward Osienski (D-27th RD)
Minority Leader: Tim Dukes (R-40th RD)
Minority Whip: Jeff Spiegelman (R-11th RD)
Senate: Democratic Majority 15-to-6
Senate Leadership:
President Pro Tem: David Sokola (D-7th SD)
Majority Leader: Bryan Townsend (D-11th SD)
Majority Whip: Elizabeth Lockman (D-3rd SD)
Minority Leader: Gerald Hocker (R-20th SD)
Minority Whip: Brian Pettyjohn (R-19th SD)
Committee chairs and membership of the respective committees are pending. Those appointments are made by the speaker in the House and by the president pro tem in the Senate.